
Storage Rentals

Will my possessions be safe?
Self storage centres are protected by the latest state-of-the-art 24 hour CCTV and police monitored security systems ? for your total peace of mind. Only you or your authorised representative can access your self-storage unit.

How To Choose Storage
Here are some things to look for:

A wide range of sizes helps you get just the size you need. Ask about in-between sizes. When your needs change, add a room or downsize to a smaller room. To see what fits in standard sizes, see Sizes & Packing Tips.

TimeA�Month-to-month storage rentals, starting any day of the month, give you storage for just the time you need it.

Individual door alarms protection. You select a code that only you know. Only that code allows alarm-free entry to your storage rentals unit. Barrel shaped locks (provided by the storage center) add to security? they cannot be cut.

Storage areas should be brightly lit and have restricted access. Cameras should be recording activity in critical locations.

Free Use of Truck
Access provides a free truck for your use when you move in. Call storage rentals facilities for full details.

Free Use of Equipment
Labor-saving equipment, furniture and appliance dollies, hand trucks, and rolling carts? are available at all Access locations.

Keep things readily accessible on shelves that you can rent or buy from Access. See our Shelving & Files.

Small shipments may be accepted without any fee.

Payment Options
Save yourself some paperwork by having your room charged automatically to your credit card every month.